The past few days I have been unable to put feelings in word with this horrific event. Even now, I feel I haven't expressed myself the way I want over this. I feel I could never really do so but thought I must try to at least say something on the matter - for the victims’ sake.
Due to all I have read and heard about the sham of a city council and the mayor I call these 8 persons ‘Enablers’. ( And it’s hard to call them persons) They need tee-shirts printed, declaring ‘I am one of the Topeka 8 - You Do Not Count. The 8 are facilitators of domestic violence and in essence have become abusers themselves. It’s not alleged but a fact -the vote the 8 cast this month takes away the victims’ right to assistance with the horrors they face. It’s said 30 abuse suspects were freed after the decriminalizing of domestic violence. And I am angry. I hope the citizens of Shawnee County, Kansas are angry too. I have a right through the constitution to speak my opinion of these ‘things’ called Topeka mayor and council members and I am doing so. You, too, have a right to contact them and speak your anger about this demoralizing victims of domestic violence. The victims have been thrown to the wolves.
I laughed when I googled Topeka, Kansas and came across their city government pages.
Here is a list of what is on the page listed above:
Types of crime we can offer assistance with:
Domestic Violence
Identity Theft
Sexual Violence
Criminal Damage
Child Abuse
Hate Crimes
Workplace Violence
All the above can be
I cringe when I think of a child in Topeka crying because mommy and daddy, or mom and her boyfriend are screaming at each other. I think, maybe the abuser hitting the child’s mommy- demoralizing her verbally as mom cringes in a corner. I think of an elderly person silently screaming inside, why are you doing this to me? I wonder if she is thinking, I am your mother while she is being screamed at, threatened or hit. Perhaps both the child or elderly citizen reaches for a phone then yanks their hand back as if being struck by lightning because it dawns on them- There’s No One to Help. No One Cares. I Do Not Count. You want the names of the Topeka 8 abusers who do not care about the children or elderly, nor the spouses, girlfriend/boyfriend who are abused? Warning! Be ready to be shocked, Women Are On The List. Go Here: http://claudinedombrowski.blogspot.com/2011/10/topeka-voted-tonight-to-decriminalized.html
Keep this abuse by the mayor and members of the city council forefront in the news. Do Not Forget come election time.