Friday, January 27, 2012

Donald Greenslit and The Death of Stacie DeSantis-Dorego


From what I can gather the fire department and police were called to a home in Johnston, Rhode Island. Smoke was billowing from a chimney and neighbors were concerned. When the firefighters arrived, they found Donald Greenslit standing in the driveway screaming profanities, saying he didn’t need them, he was just burning wood in his fireplace. Firefighters put out his fire but what they found wasn’t just wood burning. They discovered the remains of a dismembered female wrapped in cloth and burnt. The deceased was found to be 39-year-old Stacie DeSantis-Dorego mother of Greenslit’s two small children Jake, 5; Lily, 3 and another daughter Mackenzie, age 14. The children were at home when Greenslit allegedly killed and dismembered then attempted to destroy her body but thankfully didn’t witness the events that led to her death. The police also discovered Donald wasn’t supposed to be at the home. He’d committed a couple DV incidents against Stacie and a no contact order had been issued on him. Now Donald is charged with her murder, violating the no contact order and child abuse. Child abuse because he endangered the children with smoke inhalation when he attempted to destroy Stacie’s body by burning it in the fireplace.

Donald Greenslit confessed to killing Stacie but he says it was self-defense because she attacked him. I hope he never sees sunshine without stripes hindering his view from behind bars. This is a case I will keep an eye on so my readers and, me too, will know when it goes to trial. Stacie was a wonderful young lady who was an aspiring writer and loved her children. She deserves justice. Stacie said her children were her soul. I wish I had gotten to know her better. My deepest and most sincere condolences go out to her children, family and friends.


  1. Don was a very very good friend of mine as was Stacie
    I was with him not 3 weeks ago and he looked somuch better
    more like him self again... When I herd what he had done I couldn't
    belive it! I was in deniel but it's true an Noone can't hide that..... Stace was a
    great person alwas nice to me& a good mom... Don was a great dad & a better friend.. But self defence......NO I don't belive that for a sec! Stacie was about 95lbs she wasn't attackin no one... I belive other things happend
    but that's not for me to say .... My heart goes out to bolth
    stacies & dons family... An to Jake & lily I'm so sorry...... I never thought this could ever happen to people I knew...

  2. We can never really know anyone, so I understand your shock, Anonymous. We can only know what they allow us to know. I knew Stacie through the herewomentalksocial site. And through her writing on the blog there. I really appreciated who she was. My condolences go out to you for the loss of your friends. Feel free to come here and talk about them if you need to talk.

    1. This is all so fresh in my mind,as if it had just happened yesterday.Stacie and I had been best friends since childhood.She had gone through some very hard times in her life.People are talking about all the negative she did, but do they really know how it all started. NO they don't. She was a good person with a good heart who took a wrong turn in life. She was trying to find her way back. Until her life was taken away from us.
      Stacie and I had stopped talking in 2004, but I always worried and wondered how she was. I googled her name one night and it took me to all the beautiful things she had written. I was so excited for her. It sounded to me that Stacie was fighting her way back to finding Stacie again.I emailed her hoping that she would reply.She did, that night. I called her and it was just as if we had never stopped speaking. Our bond of friendship was just as strong as ever. She told me about some of her struggles, I helped her with the ones I could. She never told me how bad it was between her and Don. I don't think she was ready to tell me what was really going on. I wish she had. Stacie and I had only been speaking for two weeks before her passing.I wish I had more time with my friend.I thank God for those two weeks and cherish them !!

      Donald Greenslit was Indicted on four counts in connection with Stacie's murder on March 29th. He is due to go back to court again in the middle of April.

      Also not that it really matters, that picture is not of Stacie.She posted many differnt pictures, for her own reasons.

      ~RIP Stacie, you are gone but will never be forgotten~

  3. They both had lots of issues. I new thme both too. That picture is not stacy. she had a problem with telling tall tales

  4. AnonymousJan 29, 2012 11:02 AM: What do you mean the picture is not Stacie? I can delete it if it's someone else.

    1. i dont know who wrote this and i,m unsure of the intentions behind some of thier remarks,but this pic is not stacie. my name is ed musk and i dated stacie about 1 1/2 yrs ago and can tell you first hand stacie biggest problem in life was getting away from don without him hurting her or her kids witch makes me wonder about what mit have happened if the flew was not closed but thank god it was . i lived with stacies mom for a while and she only lived a few streets away from were don and stacie lived.he knew we were together and was completly nuts even more then usual i,d known him when they lived in warwick but not her but i did meet her once while she was preganent whit lil witch turns out to be a story by itself. anyway they lived together because she was unable to support herself and take on the responsibility of being mom and all that goes along with it ,and she wanted the kids to know their dad .but in no way were they a couple.even thought he wanted that and told everyone they were.they were diffinitly not.she eventually wanted him out but knew she had to be careful with this guy ,he had told her he would kill her if she left .i know i didnt get this guy either.shed stay with the kids all day and she'd be with me all nite while he watched the kids.dont get me wrong he was always calling me to tell stacie so mething tragic had happened to get her to go home and believe me we knew he was lying but when kids are concerned you must not leave any dought.well once i had to pepperspray him to avoid violence in his own house and i was holding alot of stacies money so don wouldnt get it again.we were that close to having a life .all that needed to happen was for this guy after years of her telling him to get on with his life in everyway possibile is to get it.but he was getting worse .my life was all screwed up after divorceing sometime ago and was having trouble managing it and didnt need to go to prison because of don .i have a child of my own so i decided to let things cool down while she got him to leave the house.but i told her he would never stop he was always going to be a pain in the ass and i was done so i didnt hear from her for until now.if your thinking if he was that bad why didnt she call the police, well its because ,and i must say i usedta, feel the same way,because good people dont rarelly beleive thier going to get hurt and if they do that it wont be so bad.and/or dont want to give someone especialy thier kids farther a criminal record.but as far as stacies problems they are directly related to don infact thats how or why she meet him it was not about love she got screwed no matter how you look at it.and we didnt break because i didnt love her it was mostly due to pain and suffering i already carried with me .as far as the last 1 1/2 yrs i cant say or dont know rather but i will say she only weighted 87 lbs and he was well over 250 lbs and for him to say she attact him dont even fit in this cenerio,what an a hole.

  5. No this is not the deceased. A simple search for the article on will give the correct picture.

  6. AnonymousJan 30, 2012 08:15 AM:
    Although the picture I used is one she used as one of herself on forums and it looks like same person as in media picture you mention, I did delete it. I may put it back up, haven't decided.

  7. Thank you sharing this post. It had details I didn't know. We also wrote about Stacie on Here Women Talk where she was a member and often contributed content.

    As for the photo of Stacie, that's her when (I presume) she was younger and thinner. Many of Stacie's childhood friends have commented on the blog and written to me personally. Obviously, they're people who knew Stacie when she was younger, and not a single one has said that the photo is not accurate. Since it's a photo Stacie put up of herself, obviously, it's how she wants to be remembered.

  8. Also Stacie was not the saint that the media made her out to be the outher person
    said she did have issues.... Don watched the babies while
    she sat on the comp all day an night... She belittled him so bad......
    An for some one saposefly all about DV Rights an forems......
    Why did she keep yakin him back???? Granted she should have never died!!!! No one deserves that I think that pic is her many years ago...... Cuz don showed me that photo
    befor at the house....... But who knows the bolth lied alot expecialy don......she was also bagged
    for shoplifting....... I hate to speak ill of the dead!!!! But bottem line neither 1 was a saint.....

  9. AnonymousFeb 1, 2012 01:06 PM:

    I really don't think anyone has said Stacie was perfect. No one I know or have met holds that distinction.
    And thanks for saying the pic is of Stacie. I felt it was and decided to re add it here.

  10. That's definitely Stacie, and she was no saint. she never really got off the computer to take care of Jake and Lily either. She would always call don over to take care of them. not to mention she was caught more than once i think for shoplifting. My heart goes out to Jake and Lily and Stacey's family.this was a tragedy that should have never happened. i knew them both and i was only a matter of time before something like this happened

  11. Okay, folks ... Regardless of past indiscretions or mistakes, this is a tragic incident; one that took the life of a mother. Rather than focusing on heresay about the victim, let's think about the three young kids who are now without a mother (and two of them with no parents!) Let's focus energy on the welfare of these children - Not whether or not a picture of their mother was accurate, or that she may have shoplifted at some point in the past.

  12. do a google search on the photo! She was a liar. That is NOT her, She told people about some modling career she never had. and she plgeurized evrything she wrote. you were all scammed.

  13. Anonymous Feb 4, 2012 09:51 AM:

    Thank you! I don't care if Stacie was always truthful nor that she may have shoplifted or anything else. I care that she was brutally and needlessly murdered. I'm just grateful the sewer slime that did it didn't leave the home afterward with her splayed out for her precious children to find.

  14. Anonymous Feb 4, 2012 1:41 PM: I've read several accusations against Stacie here but not one shows proof. Show me the proof and then I'll believe it but I won't stop praying her killer never leaves prison.

  15. Oh there's no doubt that don will ever leave the aci he's now a perminant resident
    as far as proof goes about Stacie .... I have been in that house an whitnessed first hand
    about her bein on the comp 24/7 don always takein care of the kids an all the house work.... She would be on facebook & Twitter trying to set up dates with guys an that made don furious...... Nut the last few weeks he was himself again doin good no booz nuthin unroll this unnessary bullsh&$ happend he should have just stayed away.... And Asfar as details go..... Remains dosnt always meen more then one body part........ They only found (1) pice of Stacie it was a football size chunk from her left side torso ... & some bones. That's all... That's what the medical examiner said...... He layed her on the floor and cut small prices an put them in the fire little by little
    it only started to smoke cuz the chiminey became clogged .... I hate to sayit but he almost hot away with it....... Friend or not i'm so glade that he was caught!! U don't do that to some one u saposefly love....... just walk away......

  16. Anonymous Feb 11, 2012 04:11 PM

    All I can say is read a post by Susan Murphy Milano on her blog:

  17. @ ED MUSK. get your story right. Im not justifying anything I'm setting the truth because you talk tall tales mr.musk. Don was trying to leave rhode island to see other family members and Stacey on purpose got him arrested so he couldnt leave the state. He was an excellent father and did everything he could for his kids and family, he loved them. Stacey may she rest in peace ... was far from a saint. She was addicted to drugs and neglected the children. No she didnt deserve what happened but she was not the brightest light. She should have just left when she had the many chances, friends of hers even attempted multiple times to help with the situation. Don wanted out and away from her because she had a drug problem and was addicted, She simply did not want to quit drugs and further her relationship with her kids. You see gambling is a dangerous game and she couldnt quit. I wish she would have because she also was a great upbeat fun loving person she was helpful and inspirational. Don is a great guy you see its easy to make assumptions but whats the motto? when you assume you make a ___ out of yourself ....ill let you fill in the blank yourself. Unless you personally have known Don for more than 5 years you mr.musk have no place in this conversation . Don always supported his family , he is a hard working honest man, and would do anything for his family & community. He was also a wonderful father and friend.

    1. He loved his children without a doubt. But honest man he was not. I have know him for the 52 years he's been alive.

  18. I had been a friend of Stacie's for many years.That picture is not her. None of the pictures she has posted are of her.If you notice on her different bloggs they are all different. She had her reasons for doing so. Also, her oldest daughter did not live in the home. She wasn't there when this happened.
    Stacie was a great person who had problems, she was trying to get her life back on track. Stacie and Don had a toxic relationship.
    Don had many chances to walk away, their was a no contact order!!! He
    shouldn't have been there in the first place.Perfect excuse to have to stay away. But he didn't,HE kept going back. As far as him being such a great dad, a great dad doesn't murder his kids mother,dismembers her body and burns it. While his children are home. And lets not forget having them locked in a bedroom while the house is filling with smoke and telling firefighters nothings wrong. Didn't seem to be worried about their well being then. How could you say he was a wonderful father!

  19. I can't say I believe any person who can kill the mother of his children is a good person or great dad. In this instance killed, dismembered and burned her with the children in the home.

    1. TigressPen... I wrote to you on March 31st, it was posted at the begining of your comments. It has some info about Donald Greenslit you may be interesterd in. The justice system is working their way to him. I hope he will rot in prision for the rest of his worthless life!


    2. I got the notice, Laverne. Thanks!


  20. Mackenzie's my friend... shes crushed.... I hope the man who did this will b in jail 4 his whole life! Who could to this to a family!? Makes me sick! My heart goes out and wishes the best to the dorego's and Mackenzie I'm here for u always and forever <3.... so sad how someone could be so heartless!

    1. Thank you for the comment. My heart and prayers goes out to Mackenzie, her siblings and Stacie's family.


  21. I know this whole family very well. I grew up with them and spent a lot of time with all sisters until I learned about the truth and then only stayed in touch with the oldest sister who now has the children. this is an awful tragic situation all because of victims of abuse. stacie was very screwed up and frankly she was NOT a GOOD mother. her children were terribly neglected and she lost her oldest many years ago to the state (her sister took care of her all those years). i was there when stacy lived with her sister and robbed her. i also met don many times. they were together and both said they were married. the last time she was in prsion she told everyone she was going to finally change her last name to his. these were two very very sick individals and don snapped. its no excuse for what he did. but this is a person who built her whole life by lying to people while her children suffered. thank god the children are with the sister now thats all i can say. and NO IT IS NOT A PICTURE OF HER. And NO SHE WAS NOT a writer. it was all plaguerized that is true.

    1. Thank you for telling the truth, it means alot to me.

  22. Although I appreciate those who comment here. I feel it is wrong to demean a deceased murdered victim. No matter how Stacie lived her life she did not deserve to be brutally murdered, dismembered and burned as she was. And her children did not deserve to have their life put in danger from the smoke inhalation due to her body being burned. They deserved to have their mother alive.


    1. Yes, the children deserved her alive but not to have been in either of their care. A mother is more than an incubator and a father a sperm donor ... The system failed this family and community as did their friends and neighbors fail them. If the children were removed it might have helped to facilitate them ending their relationship without the brutality.

    2. I disagree. If he was intent on harm, he'd have done so with or without the children being removed.


  23. Today was a very difficult day! It is Stacie's birthday. She would have turned 40.

    ~Happy Birthday my friend, may you RIP~

    Laveren xoxo

  24. Thank you for letting us know the 4th was her birthday, Laveren. So sorry for the loss of your friend.


  25. Thank you to all the people who were honest enough to admit that Stacie was not the mother of the year she was made out to be in the media, because I have witnessed her lack of maternal feelings first hand.

  26. Anonymous of February 21, 2013 at 9:14 PM

    It isn't whether Stacie could have been nominated as mother of the year. Regardless of being a mother she did not deserve to die as she did. And certainly not with her children's lives being put in danger as they were with smoke inhalation while he was burning her body.


  27. As reported on Turnto10 this morning... He has been found guilty of 1st Degree Murder

  28. Tiger Pen you keep saying thank you about the picture..but you leave it up..its not her ! If you would like a real picture of her give me your email..and many of you or low lifes blaming her and defending him..he;s a nice guy? yes many nice guys do what he did,...

  29. Anonymous: I do thank you for commenting about the picture. I leave this one up because it's one she posted of herself. It looks to be one to those glamour shots. And certainly looks like the other pictures I've seen of her where she is a bit heavier. The picture stays until someone can tell me it isn't her and name the person it is.


  30. She was my step mother and that is not her, it was never a picture of her and I have pictures of her younger.

  31. This crime could have and should have been averted if it wasn't for the incompetence of the Warwick Police Department. My wife and I knew Stacie and Donald for a number of years and were shocked by this tragic news. Had the Warwick Police Department taken calls and reports of Stacie being controlled and abused both mentally and physically, this woman would still be alive to tell her story today.

  32. I knew Don very well and met and spent time with them. Near and from a distance. He's always been a passionate, dedicated person in all he under took in life. He always wanted to be loved, be a family and strive to attain, maintain all the good possible. He took risks and met challenges head on with goals for positive results. He was deep, grat heart, loved his family and knew how to tackle, resolve difficult situations. At times he went about resolve and achieved things gallantlly. Never giving up to what was right. Never giving in to result to hurt or defeat...resulting in something WRONG. He was continually driven and wanted a loving wife, and family. He has always cared of what people think and was mindful of what RIGHT was. He has always taken care of those he loved without fail. He's ALWAYS rrived for stability and has always met challenges without backing down and what he believed was IMPOTANT.
    He has a great heart
    It appears he was betrayed somehow and his partner blindsided him and displayed non-committal, shocking indiffetence to the priorities of raising, a family and balancing relationships. Don has always had good intentions with life, love, work and family. The obviosly were not "on the same page here"...and that's like vinegar & water... They don't mix. They needed to put racher FIRST...and get counseling together and individually. Stacie seemed to mislead and have HER OWN plans...separating, thus dismantaling any chances on success for a harmoneos life on any level.This causes deterioation on all levels, actually sabotaging anything for any postitive outcomes. They bcame enemies of each other...NOT partners. Don was never "a half-way" give up person. They both DID, however, blend on loving their children. And may GOD bless and have mercy for both and all here. Pray for them ALL!

  33. please for the 20th time..that picture is not her...if u would like to post a real picture of her,let me know where to send it..and lets get nothing twisted, he was a 1st class bum and abuser

  34. This guy killed his kids mother and you retards have the balls to speak good of him....he should burn all of you in his fucking fireplace.

  35. I was engaged to Donald Greenslit and Knew him long before this tragedy. I don't feel ge got a fair trial. Toxic relationships can & do happen. I know of him nothing like in the atmosphere yhis ocurred. Relationships are complex if you mix any other toxic things...the "levy's going to break." Plus keeping anyone from their kus adds fuel to the fire!

  36. I know this is like 8 years too late, but yes this is one of the kids and ive read all the comments that were posted here, all very interesting sense ive never really known my parents myself and was wondering if any of you still use this site would like to email me here ( cause I do want to know more about my parents but I just have the internet to go based off of thank you in advance.
